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CSV Viewer with charts

CSV Viewer with charts, supports viewing CSV, sorting, searching, filtering of data, plotting charts, setting title and saving charts as images.

Watch Demo here


Data Source

  • File : Drag and drop a file or use CSV file opener from import menu to import CSV.
  • URL : Enter URL in url menu, there is limited support for google sheets as well but this feature is limited due to CORS permissions in browser. You can also export Google Sheet as CSV for easy importing.
  • Copy Paste Data : You can directly copy paste csv data.

Data Format

  • CSV (coma separated values) : This CSV reader only supports CSV format data but you can adjust the separator to something else like tab.

Data Configuration

  • Choose data with/without header : Some csv don't have header information. You can uncheck this configuration if header info is not present in CSV file. Column names will be auto generated to column 1, column 2 etc.
  • Skip empty lines : You may want to skip empty rows of csv, if so you can check this column its on by default
  • Select separator : If your csv is not separated by comma, you can set this field if you know the separator otherwise leave it blank app will try to guess the separator. You can adjust it later if it did not guessed correctly. This feature is particularly useful for anyone looking to import a CSV with varying delimiters.
  • Skip lines : If csv contains extra data appended to it before the actual csv data than you can skip that data by setting the lines to skip otherwise app will not interpret it correctly. To check extra data appended open the file in raw format in preview mode, it will give you line numbers followed by data. Use it to determine right position where csv data starts and set it in skip lines configuration.
  • Preview lines : Preview lines help you adjust amount of data to load in preview mode so you can load as much or as little data as you need.
  • Preview mode : Preview mode is very useful as it loads limited amount of data and helps you try multiple configurations to get the right data if your csv file is not properly formatted. It is also helpful in case of large files. If you don't need the entire data for visualization you can use this mode to work on large files. Note that this does not works in case of URL where entire url would be first downloaded before analysis.

Table View

  • Sort individual columns : Sort individual columns in ascending or descending order or switch back to original ordering.
  • Globally search all columns : Search all the columns at once with global search to enhance CSV file reader experience.
  • Filter values by individual columns : You can filter multiple columns with different values.
  • Hide Columns : Quickly glance data by hiding irrelevant columns or showing them incrementally in the CSV viewer.
  • Pagination : Easily switch between pages with back/front and last pages also see current page.
  • Goto specific page : Goto specific pages. You can use scroll button of mouse to quickly increment/decrement page numbers.

Charts View

  • Different chart types : Supports Line, Bar and Area charts. May support maps in future if there is demand.
  • Set Data on X-axis : You can choose any column as your x-axis. at a time one column would be enabled.
  • Plot multiple data series on Y-axis : You can plot multiple columns on y-axis. app auto detects columns that are of numeric type and only supports plotting of those columns.
  • Plot horizontal/vertical charts : You can switch between horizontal and vertical charts
  • Stacked/Grouped charts : You can also plot multiple data in stacked or grouped form/
  • Use indpendent axis : You can choose to plot charts with independent axis for each series. This is useful when data from one series dominates other data and you are unable to see the variation in other seires.
  • Zooom specific area : You can zoom specific area to see more details or pull the chart left or right with mouse to browse the chart.
  • Show/Hide individual series : You can hide any series by using y-axis or clicking on leged.
  • Set title : You can set the title of chart to your liking.
  • Save image : You can save the chart as image.


  • Select multiple themes : You can select multiple themes to make the table/chart visually appealing. Theme values are stored in session storage and would be automatically go back to default mode after tab is closed.
  • Change Border edge : You can change the border edges to be more smooth as per your liking.
  • Select dark/light theme : You can also choose dark/light version of any theme.

Other features

  • Works locally : App once loaded does not requires any server interaction so you can freely do your anlysis with limited internet connectivity. You can also use it offline.
  • Free : Its a free CSV file viewer. No need to create account or pay money its free.
  • Google Sheet Support : There is a limited google sheet import support as well. For public urls you can directly give the google sheet URL. App will extract the id and sheet number and use that sheet for displaying data, making it easy to export Google Sheet as CSV.

How to use

You can watch demo here. Just open the csv file it will show the data in table and chart formats and you can use the top bar to control the view in CSV file viewer.


  • I am getting "Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource." Most likely CORS issue. Check your browser console for more details
  • I have a largish file (>50MB), i am unable to open it? It does not work with large files, you can use preview mode to work with large files by setting preview lines to load the amount of CSV data you want to view. By the way if you have powerful laptop it will work with large files as well it depends on available RAM, my machine is 4GB so when i say it will not work i am using this machine as my base model.
  • I checked task manager and app is consuming GB's? its taking too much memory? This is a side-effect of enabling sorting and filtering on all columns and reading entire data in memory.
  • I am unable to use filters in mobile? UI is not optimal for mobile viewing. It is primarily designed with desktop/laptop screens. Functionality would work on mobile but UX is suboptimal
  • I don't want to view the app inside a blog page, how can i see the app in full screen? Although the app is on blog page with rather small view, you are not limited by it, app is embedded as iframe you can simply right click and open the iframe in new tab to get a bigger view use entire screen if you so wish.
  • What's the point of URL if it is not able to fetch public data? Sigh! Browser are unable to protect from malware or tracking but want to forbid legitimate use case like this of getting data from third party url because its not safe! nothing i can do here. you can download the file manually and open it in app. I will give an option to download the url directly in future.
  • How can i support? share it with others, spread the word.
  • Where do i report bugs? send a mail to csvonline [AT] with BUG in title. If title is not set properly it will get auto filtered and deleted.
  • Where do i report features? send a mail to csvonline [AT] with FEATURE in title. If title is not set properly it will get auto filtered and deleted.
  • Any plan to integrate AI? No
  • Any plan to support SQL? No
  • Do you accept donations No